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Clare Hope Holdstock

Knot Enough, 2021

Packaging, thread, plaster

220 x 160 X 40 cm

The inspiration for this work was originally triggered by my reading Bauhaus Textiles: Women Artists and the Weaving Workshop last summer at the start of the pandemic. I wanted to learn from the powerful abstractions of the woven textiles of the women that
were part of the Bauhaus school. I was surprised to learn that after applying to the radical school on the premise of equality for the sexes, the weaving workshop had been created especially because of the number of women applicants to the school.

Clare Holdstock 

Clare Holdstock (b.1992) is originally from Hull. She studied
painting at Camberwell College of Arts and graduated in 2014. Her MA in Sculpture at the Royal College of Art is generously supported by the Cass Art Scholarship. She is increasingly preoccupied by ecological concerns. In her work she considers societal value systems - those of exchange, class and semiotic associations around materiality and objects.
Instagram: @holdstockclare

© 2021 Prick & Stitch Alliance

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