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Lydia Brockless

List of Things To Write, 2021


Untitled, 2021

Newsprint, 24x30cm

Having originally assigned the board’s surface as a writing space, I have chosen to leave it clear; this is so that viewers can project their own thoughts about what text or images might occupy the space, and consider the expanse of the material surface itself. The ‘List of Things To Write’ will be displayed alongside as a printout - it is a poem, some writing about writing. It conjures multiple interrelated images which link the act of making with the act of writing, landscape, material, human and non-human.

Lydia Brockless

Survival In Harsh Conditions. I am interested in geomorphological processes and through these, what we can learn about time, growth and resilience. I am interested in the role that text plays in thinking about sculpture, and vice versa. Through text and objects I create new spaces which exist between the real and imaginary, and make links between actions, landscapes, materials and feelings.


Instagram: @lydbrockl

© 2021 Prick & Stitch Alliance

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